Cape Cod Heat Pumps

When is it Time to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel?

Electrical technology has advanced rapidly in recent decades, putting an ever-growing load on your home’s electrical panel. Unless you keep up with these growing demands by upgrading when necessary, you’ll likely run into tripped circuit breakers, high energy bills, and your home’s struggle to keep up with your electrical needs.

If you’ve noticed any issues with your home’s electrical system, it may be time to consider an electrical panel upgrade. Call Cape Cod Heat Pumps & Electrical at 508-833-4822 to discuss your home’s needs now.

The Age of Your Home

The age of your home will play a big role in when it’s time to upgrade your panel. If your home is a new build, it was likely built with current electrical needs and usage habits in mind—which means an upgrade may not be necessary for years or even decades. But if your home was built in the 1980s or earlier, it’s likely that your panel is outdated and struggling to keep up with your family’s electrical usage. As a result, you may notice deteriorated performance or complete failure of the system at points.

The good news is that once you do upgrade to an electrical panel that meets current standards, it will likely be capable of handling your family’s electrical needs even as they increase in the years to come. You’ll notice improved performance and your home will be much safer.

Circuit Breakers That Constantly Trip

If running downstairs to reset the circuit breaker has become a daily or weekly occurrence in your home, there’s a good chance that your residential electrical panel is not capable of performing at the level you need it to. Circuit breakers trip when your wiring is overloaded. This leads to overheating and even fires—so what seems like a minor inconvenience to you is actually a serious risk of a home fire. Upgrading your electrical panel will not only make your life easier, but decrease the risk of a dangerous electrical fire. Tripped circuit breakers can also cause appliances to overheat, which decreases the lifespan of your appliances and may lead to more frequent replacements.

Fuses vs. Circuit Breakers

If your home is still using fuses instead of circuits, it is time to upgrade. While fuses do have their benefits, you’ll enjoy far more benefits once you upgrade to a circuit breaker panel. To start, you never have to worry about replacing a blown fuse again. Fuse boxes were once cutting-edge technology, and they were more than capable of handling the needs of a small family’s sparse electrical needs. Today, we have more appliances, larger homes, and more extensive electrical needs. A standard fuse box will struggle to keep up. Fuse boxes have an elevated fire risk, which may result in higher home insurance rates.

Flickering Lights

Have your lights looked a little dimmer lately? Do they flicker when you turn them on? If you’re sick of your kids complaining that there’s a ghost in the house, it may be time to upgrade to an electrical panel that can keep up with your home’s lighting needs.

Sparks and Smells From Your Panel

This is obviously something that requires immediate attention. Any sparks or burning smells coming from your electrical panel must be addressed immediately to keep your family safe and avoid damage to your home. Upgraded panels lead to better electrical distribution and a greater ability to handle your home’s electrical needs. If this is the first sign that you may need to upgrade your electrical panel, call us immediately. Burning smells and sparks could put you in very real danger, and getting your panel checked out right away should be a top priority.

Preparing to Sell Your Home

Perhaps you’ve had your share of tripped circuits over the years and your appliances have struggled at times, but your electrical panel has kept up with your family’s electrical usage—but you’re getting ready to sell your home and you’re looking for upgrades that give you a competitive edge. If your electrical panel is old enough, it may not even be up to local codes and regulations, which means you’ll need to replace it after an inspection regardless. Replacing it now, as you prepare to put your home on the market, can help you craft a more appealing listing. As an added bonus, homeowners who upgrade their electrical panel often notice a decrease in their electric bills—a plus for anyone buying a new home.

Looking for Help With Your Panel Upgrade?

When you decide to upgrade your electrical panel, it’s essential that you work with a licensed, insured company that understands your home’s needs and all relevant local regulations. At Cape Cod Heat Pumps & Electrical, we’ll work with you to find a solution that fits your needs and current concerns. Call us at 508-833-4822 or reach out online to discuss your needs with a team member.

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