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What Does Zoned Comfort Mean?

The size of your house, windows and doors, and the insulation are some of the factors that determine the comfort in each space in the house. The position of a room in the house also determines its comfort for example if the room is towards or away from the sun. Because of these differences in the rooms, the comfort requirements will vary. The comfort that you require in a certain room will also vary depending on what you use that room for and the activities that you carry out there.

Therefore the comfort requirement in a basement will vary from that of the bedroom or kitchen because you may not use your basement as often as you use these other rooms. Sometime in the past, there was no heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system that could take care of the different comfort requirements in different spaces in the house. Therefore people did not have much they could do other than accept that they couldn’t have comfort in all rooms. However, this is now changing due to the advent of zoned comfort.

Zoned Comfort

The zoned comfort technology is a system that helps to optimize the comfort in your home by dividing your home into different segments. These segments depend on the amount of conditioning that a specific space requires. With a zoned comfort system, your comfort does not rely on the central ducted heating, conditioning, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Instead, the zoned comfort system makes use of small units and thermostats that spend energy efficiently to distribute the right conditioning in different rooms in your home.

Homes that have more than two stories, those with basements that are finished and utilized and rooms that have high ceilings or big windows can benefit from the use of zoned comfort. The zoned comfort system is also beneficial for spaces that have hot and cold spots, for traditional houses where the ducted HVAC system is hard to install, and in homes that host large families. With the zoned comfort system, large families can coexist peacefully without fighting for the thermostat.

Individualized Comfort

You can enjoy room-by-room comfort control once you install the zoned comfort system in your home. Depending on the layout of your home, you can regulate the amount of heat and cool as needed. You can divide the zones to serve a single room or even an entire floor and then use separate controllers to cool or heat the different spaces.

You can even choose to heat or cool only the spaces that are in use. This helps to avoid wastage of the conditioned air and you will avoid the extra cost of paying to air condition a room that is not in use. The zoned comfort system also improves the comfort of your home at whatever time of the day or season. This type of precision in comfort control could not be achieved with traditional HVAC systems.

Improved Energy Efficiency

The zoned comfort system has higher energy efficiency than the traditional HVAC systems. This is because this system is ductless and therefore it avoids air leaks that can cost more energy. Using this ductless zoned comfort system can save up to 30% of the energy that could have been wasted when using the old HVAC systems with ducts.

The zoned comfort system has a modern inverter-converter technology that runs silently and is highly energy-efficient. This system also has sensors that can detect the changes in the temperatures inside and outside the house and therefore save on the energy that could be used in turning the traditional HVAC systems on and off.

Saves You Money

Because you spend less energy with the zoned comfort system, you will spend less money than you could have spent with the traditional systems. This system is also easy to install and does not require a lot of maintenance like the traditional air conditioning systems. This is, therefore, a cheaper, affordable, and efficient method of achieving comfort in your home

In summary, a zoned comfort system is an air conditioning system that provides comfort in different zones of your home as needed. This system is beneficial for homes that have high ceilings or large windows, homes with large families, in basements that are livable, and in homes that have some hot or cold spots. Some of the advantages of the zoned comfort system include saving energy because it does not have air leaks and it has temperature sensors that avoid turning on and off multiple times like the HVAC system. This system also provides individualized comfort that allows you to control the temperatures in your house. It also saves you money because it is an easy system to install and the maintenance cost is also low.

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